Day: May 12, 2017

TOZANDOSHOP.COM Switches to US Dollars!

Tozando would like to announce a great change coming soon to our international website As of now, while it is possible to display prices in multiple currencies (USD, EUR, etc…), all transactions are eventually priced in Japanese Yen. But by popular demand, and to make our prices easier for international Read More

Seimei Jinja Shrine

Seimei Shrine – A Mysterious World in Nishijin, Kyoto

Written by Takahiko Kimura, Tozando CEO A short 10 minute walk from the Tozando headquarters, you can find the Seimei Shrine which is known to worship the god that ward off evil and evil spirits. Just hearing “Seimei Shrine” many people might already have an idea of what it is Read More