Tag: bokken

Caring for Wooden Weapons

An introduction to taking care of your wooden weapons An introduction to taking care of your wooden weapons A large part of being a modern Budoka is the ability to take care of your own equipment. This is especially true for wooden weapons. Proper upkeep is vital and can help Read More

Kendo Suburi at Kyoto Butokuden

Suburi – Mastering the Air Stroke

Air strokes have “one act”, “two act”, and “three act” versions using the wooden sword as well as a method using the shinai called “kiri-kaeshi” where you wear the mask and do it with an opponent. This article will focus on the “three act” version and list some things that Read More

Iron Sword Wood - Tagayasan

A story about wood as hard as iron – know from bokken

For bokken, people from old time have always preferred heavy, hard wood. The oak tree, the distylium racemosum (isunoki), and the loquat tree are among the wood favored by swordsmen, but among them are wood that was said to be as hard as iron. One is called tetsuboku (iron wood) Read More