Tozando would like to announce a great change coming soon to our international website tozandoshop.com.
As of now, while it is possible to display prices in multiple currencies (USD, EUR, etc…), all transactions are eventually priced in Japanese Yen.
But by popular demand, and to make our prices easier for international customers to handle, we have decided to change the default currency of the website.
Starting the 24th of May, 2017, all tozandoshop.com transactions will be priced in US Dollars, and the price of every product will be listed in US Dollar rather than Japanese Yen.
As US dollar is the main currency for international transactions, with easily identifiable exchange rates for local currencies, we believe that shopping on tozandoshop.com will become a smoother and even more enjoyable experience.
We hope to see you soon on tozandoshop.com!
The Tozando International Sales Team
-What will happen to orders made just before the change?
Orders made before the change will not be affected. Only those placed after the change will be charged in US dollar.
-What will happen to my Reward Points?
Once the website switches currencies, Reward Points will automatically be updated at the same rate as the USD/JPY exchange rate.
-I have a pending Tozando Financing Plan. Will the next installments have to be paid in US dollar as well?
Since the system will function in US Dollar from that day on, subsequent installment will be charged/asked in USD, at the same exchange rate set we will set for the whole store.
-Will my Coupon/Dojo Code/Retailer Code still work after the switch?
Yes. Being set in percentage, they will work seamlessly after the switch. Just use them as usual in the shopping cart.
-After the currency change, will the prices on tozandoshop.com fluctuate along the Yen/USD exchange rate?
We are not planning on a day to day adjustment. At most price should update once to twice a year.