Tag: samurai


Sakakibara Kenkichi – The Father of Kendo?

When it comes to kendo and its development, it is difficult to point towards a definitive “father” of kendo. Naito Takaharu and Takano Sasaburo are often given such praise. It goes without saying that modern kendo would likely be a very different activity if not for their influence (if it Read More

A bowl of Miso soup

Forbidden Food for Samurai

In the modern era, people will tend to eat three main meals a day; being strongly advised not to skip breakfast.  In Japan, three meals a day had become the norm by the Meiji Era (1868-1912), however in Sengoku Japan, two meals a day was the norm.  It could even Read More

An armed Samurai and crows in the sunset

Samurai Status On Sale!

Presently it is generally accepted that social status during the Edo period was not completely fixed. A generation earlier, we learned in school that there was a hierarchical system called shi-no-ko-sho (Samurai-Peasant-Artisan-Merchant). But this is now rejected and the word shi-no-ko-sho has disappeared from textbooks. However, it is still generally Read More

Samurai holding a naked Japanese sword Katana blade

Death in Samurai Literature from Practical to Idiolization

Death comes to us all at the end of our life’s journey, regardless of the path we walk. Inescapably, it pursues us; hiding in the shadows, it waits patiently for our time when our road runs out. Across human societies, culture and class mark subtle differences between groups’ appreciations of Read More