Category: Kyudo

Kyoto Old Butokuden - Holy Land of Budo

Kendo Kyoto Taikai held at Old Butokuden

There are many kendo competitions like the All Japan Championships. One such competition is the “Kyoto Taikai”. This is known as a famous competition nationwide, and the official name is not “Kyoto Taikai”, but the “All Japan Kendo Enbu Taikai”. The purpose of the All Japan Kendo Enbu Taikai is Read More

Image of bowing Kendo player

Rei – Is it just about bowing your head?

The way of the samurai values mannerisms (rei) above all else as reflected in the saying “It begins and ends with rei (mannerism/bowing)”. Rei refers to the actions and behaviors expected at various events, and signifies the moral standards for developing human relationships and maintaining social order. Rei is now Read More

The Feathers Make the Arrow Fly Straight

Ya – how Japanese arrows fly straight

Throughout history, humans have invented all kinds of weapons, but the bow and arrow has been used since the Paleolithic and by the Neolithic had spread to hunting tribes all over the world. The Japanese yumiya, which gave birth to kyudo (Japanese Archery), is depicted on bronze vessels as far Read More

Samurai eating Miso soup at Japanese dining

Samurai meals

Japanese food is surged in popularity worldwide and is loved for its healthiness. The Japanese food or washoku that we eat now has gone through many changes, yet still keeps some traditional elements. But what about in historical times, when they did not have all the foodstuff we have today? Read More

Japanese Language and Samurai Aesthetics

We have written a number of entries about how the katana appears in many Japanese idioms, these received a wonderful response from everyone. Therefore, we decided to take things a little broader, focusing not only on the sword but on the “samurai” as we explore more idiomatic expressions. Some of Read More