Category: Kendo


Panasonic ES Wins 55th Kinki Corporate Kendo Championship Part 1

The final of the men’s competition saw defending champion Panasonic EcoSolutions (ES) Head Office A going for back-to-back titles against NTT Japan West A, hunting for their first championship win. Panasonic ES claimed the taisho match and took the game into the daihyo decider. Panasonic ES won the daihyo match Read More

Kendo Kakari Keiko image

Moving Beyond Beginner Level – Aiming to improve through Kakari Keiko 2

Noting the points raised in the last blog post, in this second edition I will go over how to improve through kakari keiko and write it down with a real match in mind and how each move occurs in order. I encourage you to read it while picturing your own Read More

Kendo Kakari Keiko scene

Moving Beyond Beginner Level – Aiming to improve through Kakari Keiko

One type of training that all kenshi go through is kakari training. This is a toughest training, and many players feel like “I don’t want to do this”. But there is a reason why everyone goes through such tiring practice sessions. If you engage with kakari practice diligently, you will Read More

Miyamoto Musashi with two swords

Nitoryu and the Brain

Miyamoto Musashi is well known for “Nitoryu” (double-sword style) and the founder of his own school “Niten-ichi-ryu”. With Nitoryu, you attack with swords in your right and left hands. Generally, in you stronger hand you hold a tachiI (large sword) and in your weaker hand a dagger. Originally the Japanese Read More

Hand-stitched Kendo Tare image

Kendo Equipment Knowledge – Too basic to ask: TARE

The tare prevents the shinai from striking the hips or in vital parts. Often when you try and strike the do you can miss and strike the hips. The tare absorbs the impact, and allows for safer practice. The tare consists of 3 big flaps called odare and 2 smaller Read More

Kendo Kote image(Tozando Tornado stitch Kote)

Kendo Equipment Knowledge – Too basic to ask: KOTE

The kote protects the hands and arms. It has a meticulous design in order to protect the hands against striking impact while allowing them to hold the shinai flexibly. The basic structure of the kote consists of the kote-gashira (fist cover), tenouchi (palm cover), , and the kote-tsutsu (wrist cover). Read More

Kendo player with Chudan no Kamae

Mental Training in Kendo

Kendo of course requires physical strength but also mental strength. There are many ways to train up your mentality, but the most basic level is mannerisms. This relates to other martial arts too, but it all “begins and ends with manners”. If you are aiming to be a strong kenshi, Read More

An image of special Kendo Mune and Do order

Kendo Equipment Knowledge – Too basic to ask: DO

In kendo, the do is used to protect the body. The do covers the body from the stomach up to the chest, and is rich in design. There are all kinds of embroidery and colors, which makes the do the easiest part of kendo equipment to express individuality. The do Read More

A-1 Alpha 5mm BioCLEAN Hygienic Kendo Bogu Set

A-1 Alpha picks up from where our A-1 leaves off. Light, easy to use and optimized for training These are the concepts that the legendary A-1 Series Bogu were built upon. As a collaboration between Tozando and Kanagawa Hakkodo, the A-1 concept was further refined and the new A-1 Alpha Read More

Kendo Men side view

Kendo Equipment Knowledge – Too basic to ask: MEN

In kendo equipment, the men is used to protect the head and the throat. The men, apparently, was first made by a man named Naganuma Shirozaemon Kunisato. Naganuma and his father Yamada Mitsunori were trying to develop equipment such as the men and kote so that kenshi could strike each Read More