Tag: buy

Most frequently asked questions about Kendo Kote Part 2

I want to buy a new Kote, could you please give me some advice? Like with the Menfuton, it’s good to get a Kote that is properly padded, where the padding is adequately thick and properly dispersed throughout the Futon and has good moisture absorption. Such a Kote will properly Read More

3 things you want to know when buying your first Bogu

Three things you want to know when buying the first Bogu for your child

https://www.tozandoshop.com/Men-Nari-Compact-Suburi-Shinai-p/477-mennari[s].htmRecently I heard that there is quite a lot of nursery and kindergarten children that starts doing Kendo in Japan. Of course, there is also many elementary school students who does Kendo and are about to start wearing their first Bogu for Keiko. Naturally, this means that there are also Read More