How do I take care of my Bokken? On 2013-02-28 By tozando Wipe the surface of your Bokken with a dry and soft cloth after each use. Once in a few month, you may apply a very small amount of natural oil such as camellia oil, walnut oil, or even vegetable oil, and wipe it off completely afterwards. Readers who viewed this page, also viewed:The Beloved Blade of Kondo IsamiWaxing Wooden WeaponsOiling Wooden WeaponsCaring for Wooden WeaponsHow to Choose & Tie an ObiIsunoki – The little known yet hardest and heaviest tree… More from my siteOiling Wooden WeaponsCaring for Wooden WeaponsA story about wood as hard as iron – know from bokkenSunuke – Wood that has survived many centuriesAkagashi: What is Japanese Red Oak?What is Japanese White Oak, Shirakashi? Share:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)