Can I view the prices on Tozando in my currency?

The displayed currency for all products on Tozando can be viewed by clicking on the “currency converter” and choosing the currency of your choice on the top of the left menu on our main page. Please note that the base currency on Tozando is always Japanese Yen, so this function Read More

What is Keichiku?

The Keichiku bamboo species is mainly grown in Taiwan. Today, most of the standard Shinai on market is made of Keichiku, reflecting the fact that, due to the shortage of Madake and the work that’s needed to make traditional Shinai, most of the Shinai production has moved to Taiwan and Read More

What is Madake?

‘Madake’ is also called Giant Timber Bamboo or Japanese Timber Bamboo, is a bamboo species in the genus Phyllostachys. This species is native to Japan and is often used for many different types Japanese traditional craftsmanship.  This is the traditional bamboo used for making Shinai in Japan. Due to the Bamboo plant Read More

What is Asian Ebony?

The Asian Ebony grows in South Eastern parts of Asia and can mostly be found in Indonesia.  The beautiful characteristic grain of the wood, the smooth body and beautiful natural color brought forth without using any artificial coloring, could be said to be a piece of art in itself.  The Asian Ebony Read More

What is Camellia?

Camellia is also know as ‘Tsubaki’ in Japanese. Camellia is probably mainly known for producing beautiful flowers during winter to early spring, but Kendo practitioners recognize the Camellia as a source of great wood for Bokken. The wood from the Camellia is know for it’s luxurious color and it’s fine grains Read More

What is the standard length of the tsuka of the Iaito on our website?

The standard length of the tsuka of our iaito is 8.5 sun (approx. 24cm/9.44in). Usually, depending on the blade length you choose, our craftsmen will select the appropriate tsuka length in order to keep the best balance possible. However, you can of course still choose the tsuka length you would like. In that Read More

What does “Shaku” means?

The shaku is a traditional unit of measure used in Japan (and other country in Asia) with a length approximately equal to 30.3cm or 11.93in. As with other measurements, it was originally derived from nature: the average length between nodes on bamboo. The shaku may be divided into ten smaller units, known as  sun in Japanese. Ten shaku are equal to a jō in Read More

How do I take care of my Iaito?

After each use, clean the blade surface with a soft cloth or a tissue paper to remove dusts, fingerprints and any marks. Wipe the blade upward, one way, starting from the base to avoid any injury. If you wish to use Uchiko powder and Choji oil, squeeze the Uchiko lightly Read More