Category: Budo Articles

Kendo Sonkyo position

Sonkyo – The Lion’s Position in Kendo

Kendo is a martial art that takes manners seriously. Players bow before the match, fight hard once the match begins, and then bow politely whether they win or lose. During this ordeal, there is a position called sonkyo (crouching). In modern kendo sonkyo is often called the “lion’s position”, and Read More

Is Kendo a sport?

Kendo existed before WWII but it used to be called “kenjutsu” and was considered a type of ancient martial arts, today around the world many people view Kendo as a sport. Back then, it was different from the form we have today; the wooden sword was used in place of Read More

Kendo in Old Age

The History of Kendo

The history of kendo stretched back to the Heian period when the samurai developed many skills (kenpo, kenjutsu) to protect themselves during battle. As the samurai began ruling Japan and Japan plunged into the sengoku period (civil war), the samurai begain training hard in their sword skills because winning in Read More

Kendo Tsubazeriai

Violations in Kendo

Every sport has rules that cannot be violated and when they are there is a penalty that matches the severity of the offense. Kendo has specific infringement rules, which include rules where one goes “that is obviously wrong” and more “technical” ones that aren’t so obvious. The obvious ones include Read More

Aikido Sabaki

The Ways of Aikido

At first glance Aikido can seem like one unified martial art, but this is far from the case.  Aikido is in fact comprised of many styles – each one emphasizing different parts of the founder Ueshiba Morihei’s Aikido.  For someone looking to begin Aikido or even someone well-versed in a Read More

Kendo Ippon

Know the Standards for “Ippon”

To get an ippon or to win in kendo you need “heart”, “skill” and “physique”. Only when these are all combined can you gain ippon. Regarding the “heart”, it’s about having a still mind, or to concentrate on the match. In order to concentrate better and to get your spirit Read More

Bamboo Blade image

Manga with a Kendo Theme

Japanese manga is known all around the world simply as “manga”, and the number of manga genres are endless. Although not many, there are some that have kendo as the main theme, so I will introduce these here. First, “Musashi no Ken” was very popular in the 80s. The author, Read More

Hidehisa Nishimura in the final of 2017 All Japan Kendo Championship

Strong Kendo Nations

What nations are strong in kendo? For football we have the FIFA World Cup and for Baseball we have the World Baseball classic, all serving as major tournaments to measure each nation’s strength. For kendo, the World Kendo Championships have been held every three years since 1970. It is still Read More

Image of bowing Kendo player

Rei – Is it just about bowing your head?

The way of the samurai values mannerisms (rei) above all else as reflected in the saying “It begins and ends with rei (mannerism/bowing)”. Rei refers to the actions and behaviors expected at various events, and signifies the moral standards for developing human relationships and maintaining social order. Rei is now Read More

Kendo Footwork Ashisabaki

Mastering the Kendo Footwork

Kendo footwork is so unique and probably does not exist in any other sport. The basic footwork is called “suri-ashi” (sliding feet). First, your right foot should be placed forward and the heel should be raised slightly off the floor. Be mindful that the gap between your right heel and Read More