Tag: antique

Japanese Sword Maintenance Guide Part 3: How to preserve your sword

The most important aspects of preserving Japanese swords are to protect them from developing rust and scratches. Here are three simple precautions that you can take to make sure that long term storage does not damage your treasured shinken.  Please note that these guidelines are for ferrous swords, not for Read More

Japanese Sword Maintenance Guide Part 2: How to maintain your sword

How often your perform maintenance depends on what sort of blade you have and what you use it for.  If you have an iaito from Japan that is made from Zinc/Alluminium you do not need to use uchiko powder because it will not rust.  If you use it for iaido then you should oil it as and when is needed.  However if it is for decoration only then once every two months should be fine.

image of drawing the sword

Japanese Sword Maintenance Guide Part 1: How to draw and sheath your Japanese sword

It goes without saying, that Japanese swords are precious cultural treasures, but if it is handled roughly it might be damaged or might cause injury to yourself or someone else. If that happens, the value of such a precious treasure might be lost and we don’t want to embarass our Read More


Japanese Swords: How to tell if a Tsuka is good or bad

From shinken to iaito and decorative wall-hangers, there are numerous types of Japanese swords available for purchase today, however today we will have a look at the only part that you touch on a katana: the tsuka. We will also go over some simple ways to distinguish a good tsuka Read More

2016/04/08 – New options for Suzaku Iaito

Our Suzaku line of Iaito that are made in Kyoto, has been quite popular among our customers since we started making them roughly a year ago. With the increased amount of orders, our in-house craftsman has also had to level up his skills to cope with the orders and request Read More