The “MICHI” model is a light weight, easy to use Kote with great durability and impact absorption, at a very competitive price! By using a new type of padding, we have been able to produce a extremely lightweight, yet thicker and more protective type of Futon for this Kote.
Thanks to the carefully prepared materials and the skills of our craftsmen, we have constructed this Kote so that the Kote Himo will not shift and open up the Kote unnecessary with time, which is a very common problem.
This Kote also provides great protection from hits, we have also designed the right-hand Kote so that the Futon is 20% thicker to protect the hit zone, and the left-hand Kote so that it’s slightly thinner to make it easier to move with.
This Kote also features our Oji-cut wrist, providing a much more natural angle for the wrist when wearing the Kote.
We have also designed the Kote-atama so that it will be easier to grip your Shinai, thanks to the natural grip shape.
Orizashi cotton also dries Kote very fast and is very easy to maintain, so it’s a prefect choice for your everyday training and highly recommended for any Kendoka! Experience the unbelievable performance for this price range! So why not trying this MICHI!